The forest
Pack a picnic basket, grab a butterfly net and go on a picnic. On South Zealand & Møn, the options are almost endless. Beautiful forests, rolling landscapes and winding paths along the edge of the sea.
Forest rules
Remember, there are rules for where and when you can use the woods and forests in Denmark – and the rules are different depending on whether the woods or forest are public or private. You are allowed in public woods and forests 24 hours a day – and you can walk on roads, paths and on the forest floor itself if you are on foot. If you are on a bike, then stick to roads and trails. You are allowed in private woods and forests from 6 am until sunset – but you are only allowed on roads and paths whether you are on foot or cycling.
You can read more about what you can do in nature here: www.miljøministeriet.dk.
Kristiansholm Plantation
Fuglebjerg Municipality has a well-situated camp site for several tents. Immediately behind the coastline is an old gravel pit, now accommodating a couple of site-huts, camp site, fire place with wood...
Borgnakke Skov
Borgnakke Skov er en traditionsrig skov med udsigt til Karrebæk Fjord og Saltø å.
Herlufsholm Forest
Right next to Næstved Centrum you will find Herlufsholmskoven.
The forest is protected as an “untouched” forest, which means that the forest is allowed to develop organically and that felled trees m...
Fruens plantation
Fruens plantation was protected in 1940 and is owned by Næstved Municipality.
The forest at Fruens plantation is the last untouched part of Denmark's largest hill and is a beautiful green area close ...
Kalbyrisskoven ejes af Herlufsholm Skole og Gods og findes i den østlige del af Næstved.
Skoven er en flot åben løvskov og er særdeles varieret. Man kan finde mange af de hjemmehørende løvtræsarter ...
Stenskoven ved Fensmark er privatejet af Herlufsholm Skole og Gods.
Skoven byder på nogle skønne vandreruter og flotte udsigter fra kanten af skoven ud over de nærliggende marker.
Skoven bliver fl...
Rønnebæk Fælled
Rønnebæk Fælled is a large local recreational green area close to Rønnebæksholm and only a short distance to Næstved Centrum. The area is dominated by Åsen, which in some places rises 40 metres above ...
"Kirkeskoven" The church forest
Kirkeskoven (The Church forest) in Vordingborg is an old oak forest that is over 200 years old. In the forest it is mainly stalk-oak you find, but also beech, ash and park-lind. The forest has many ol...
Vinterbølle Skov
Vinterbølle skov er kystnær og med mange flotte bøgetræer, egetræer, elm, ahorn samt nogle nåletræer såsom gran lærk og thuja.
Besøger I skoven i foråret er skovbunden dækket af gule og hvide anemon...
Klinteskoven ved Møns Klint er et af de mest kendte og besøgte danske naturområder.
The Stege-Udby forests
The Stege-Udby forests were planted between 1997 and 2006. The forests consist primarily of Danish species of both trees and shrubs, which attract many different species of insects and birds.
There a...
Ulvshale Forest
Ulvshale forest on Møn is a little special forest, here the trees grow slowly because the soil is thin and quite rocky. Many of the trees are crooked because it is difficult to grow in stone. The Wolf...
Bøndernes Egehoved
Bøndernes Egehoved is a stunning open forest filled with iconic broad-crowned oaks. A natural gem, it has pastures, marshes and beach meadows. As you step through the gate, you may encounter the peace...
Faksinge Skov
Skoven er en flot løvskov tæt på Even sø. Du kan endda være heldig at se Nordeuropas største rovfugl, havørnen, der ofte yngler i skoven.
Strandegaard Park
Sport fishing along the coast: north of Feddet, by the Gl. Dyrehave.
Fishing is possible from the sand bank, Fish: Sea trout, perch, horn fish, (May June) orfe (in the low water June August), cod and...
Coastal forest Siberia
Do you enjoy forest and beach, then visit Siberia in Faxe Ladeplads, where you can enjoy both, where the cozy forest flies along the shore.
Here, there is ample opportunity to climb up and down the s...
Vemmetofte Forest
In the Vemmetofteskoven there is the opportunity to go for a walk, and dogs are very welcome as long as they are on a leash.
In addition, it is possible to hike on the three marked routes:
- Red tou...
Højstrup Forest
Højstrupskoven on Stevns is a coastal forest.
The forest has great recreational value with good paths in the eastern part and the opportunity to walk down to the beautiful coastline.
There are sever...
Gjorslev Beech forest
Gjorslev Bøgeskov belongs Gjorslev estate. Inside the forest is Mill Island, where there is an abundance of bird life.
Especially in spring and autumn there are many ducks, mergansers and geese. In sum...
Magleby Forest Beach
To get down to Magleby Forest Beach (alså known as Klippinge Forest Beach), run from Magleby out of Skovmarksvej.
The forest has a car park, from where you can walk down to the water.
The beach is ver...
Hesede Forest
Hesede forest is a privately owned forest owned by Gisselfeld.
Here you can find many beautiful lakes and Paradishaven and Svenskekløften, both of which are known from Gøngehøvdingen.
The history of...