Andel Elbus

Electric Buses from Andel

Photo: Tina Olsen

Do you need to get around on Møn or Stevns? Hop on board Andel's electric buses and enjoy a comfortable journey powered by green energy. It's an easy way for both locals and tourists to explore the beautiful landscapes and experiences on Møn and Stevns.

Free Transport for Everyone

In 2024, Andel will be operating electric buses on Stevns and Møn during holidays and weekends. The buses run according to a fixed timetable and make stops at some of the largest and most popular attractions on Stevns and Møn.

Experiences along the routes

GeoCenter Møns Klint
GeoCenter Møns Klint
Kingdom of the Cliff King - Europe's best hiking trail
Kingdom of the Cliff King - Europe's best hiking trail
Hiking path Stevns Klint Stomping Trail
Hiking path Stevns Klint Stomping Trail
Stevnsfortet undergrund
Stevnsfort Cold War Museum