Gjorslev Castle park
At Gjorslev Castle lies Gjorslev Castle Park, where you can walk underneath the old trees or pick your favorite picnic spot. The park has free access, and your visit begins at the gate on the southside of the park, where you’ll also find a small parking area.
The park is laid out in the English garden style, which in the 18th century was a reaction to the tight, symmetrical baroque gardens. Now gardens and parks should instead be picturesque and invite to promenade with surprise and discovery. Winding lines, open expanses and free-standing trees are combined with lakes, statues and garden houses. All placed with a picturesque motif in mind.
In Gjorslev Castle Park you can feel for yourself how the English garden style affects the walk and serves one beautiful motif after another. Here, among other things, there are open lawns and compacted paths, a linden avenue, lakes and memorial stones, all with the beautiful Gjorslev Castle in the background.
Close to the castle, parts of the park are private area, but it is still possible to enjoy the view of the castle with the 42 meter long pergola with roses and clematis in front.