Tourist Information Camp Møns Klint
The Touristinformation at Camp Møns Klint is ready to help you on your journey in SydkystDanmark
The dream about your personal oasis can become true on Camp Møns Klint. Give you and your family room for peace and freedom and experience a holiday with perfect balance between great activities and unique accommodation. Experience the great outdoors of the high hinterland of Møns Klint, the great chalk cliffs of Møn.
Camp Møns Klint is the easy way of renting both holiday and country houses or staying at the modern campsite. There is plenty of space and activityies for children. You can rent a boat and go fishing or bring your horse and experience the forest from a horseback.
The houses are located in the beautiful and hilly area behind Møns Klint and are called The Lodge, Snow Whites House, The Fishing Cabin and the Land Agents Housing. The houses offer a unique experience and each house has its own character.
For further information regarding prices and booking, visit Camp Møns Klint homepage.