The wild bees on Nyord
The life of bees is diverse and fascinating. Bees are threatened worldwide, especially wild bees and bumblebees. The small island of Nyord, northwest of Møn, is best known for its abundance of bird life and now also for wild bees.
As part of a scientific study, a total of 645 bees with 37 species were registered in 2018, including four rare species of wild bees in Denmark. Denmark's first bee trail was established based on this project.
The tour begins and ends at the Nature Center Hyldevang on Nyord, where you can experience busy buzzing in the colorful bee flower garden and around the bee hotel from the first warm spring days to sunny autumn. Here you will also find an information board.
The bee trail takes you on a path along the Nyord salt meadows, one of the largest bird sanctuaries in eastern Denmark, to the cozy little town of Nyord. From here you can either choose a long route along the harbour and the fields, with stunning views over the water to South Zealand, or along the road, passing the picnic house, with stunning views in all directions.
On the trail are 3 info spots created. They tell about "The wild bees in nature", "the bees in the village" and "the bees in the agricultural landscape". The information is provided with local stories and good tips, e.g. for your own garden. The bee trail in Nyord is open year-round. You can download a flyer here