This is where the family experiences begin

Photo:GeoCenter Møns Klint&VisitSydsjælland-Møn

There are many experiences to choose from in South Zealand & Møn. Here on this page, we have selected some of the best ones. Experiences that will surely create good memories for both children and adults. 

Fun and excitement for kids of all ages

If you’re into excitement, fun and trickery, then follow our guide to South Zealand & Møn’s more challenging and entertaining family attractions. 

Photo: BonBon-Land


Have the funniest day in BonBon-Land 

Visit the park that every kid loves. Just outside Næstved, you will find Denmark's funniest and craziest park that every kid loves. In our big green amusement pa...

Camp Adventure
Photo: Anthony Bogdan

Camp Adventure

Welcome to Camp Adventure - here you will find nature experiences beyond the ordinary. Go on an adventure with the whole family and explore the iconic Forest Tower, Denmark's largest climbing park, gl...

Kalvehave Maze park
Photo: Kalvehave Labyrintpark

Kalvehave Maze park

Welcome to Kalvehave Labyrintpark

Confused or amused?

You are bound to be a bit of both when you try to find the 6 checkpoints that are hidden in the dead ends of the Ivy Maze. 

Kalvehave Labyrintp...

Klatrecentralen / Climbing Center
Photo: Næstved Ny Fotoklub

Klatrecentralen / Climbing Center

A climbing universe where there is space for both children and adults. It is an obstacle course with challenges at all heights and levels.

Enø Miniature golf
Photo: Visit Sydsjælland & Møn

Enø Miniature golf

Small, cozy miniature golf course located in Karrebæksminde. There is also the possibility to play table football, mega chess and petanque.
There is open from May 1st to September 1st - see specific op...

Faxe Ladeplads Mini Town & Park
Photo: Faxe Ladeplads Miniby & Park

Faxe Ladeplads Mini Town & Park

In Faxe Ladeplads Miniby and Park you can enjoy the present while visiting the past.

Next to the mini golf course, "The old Faxe Ladeplads" lies at a scale of 1:10 in 1900

The houses have been accur...

Teater Møn
Photo: Teater Møn

Teater Møn


Teater Møn er nyt teater og kulturcenter på Østmøn dér midt i den smukke natur ved Møns Klint, Høje Møn og med udsigt over hele sydkysten af øen.

Folkene bag Asterions hus, som er e...


Exhibitions for children and adults

Discover beautiful motor vehicles, learn about the birth of Denmark and visit fascinating castle parks.

Næstved Automobile Museum
Photo: Carsten Guldberg

Næstved Automobile Museum

Welcome to Næstved Automobile, Nostalgic and Collector Museum - an experience for the entire family.

3.400m2 filled with: 160 cars, 60 motorcycles and mopeds. 50 workshops and small shops from the 50...

Gavnø Castle
Photo: Mads Smidt

Gavnø Castle

Gavnø - the Island of Flowers - where historical memories, art, nature and flowers are united in one place. Already in the 12th century there was a pirate's castle at the island. In 1398, however, it ...

Photo: Malle Madsen


An art gallery in an atmospheric old estate surrounded by lush, natural greenery.

Faxe Limestone Quarry
Photo: Frame & Work

Faxe Limestone Quarry

In the middle of Zealand is Faxe limestone quarry - a piece of Danish history that has had great significance millions of years ago!

Geomuseum Faxe
Photo: Geomuseum Faxe

Geomuseum Faxe

Travel 63 million years back in time to when Denmark was covered by a deep sea, and a large coral reef thrived where Faxe stands today.


The Armoured Vehicles and Tank Society

Welcome to The Armoured Vehicles and Tank Society, in Danish abbriviated GHRVPK, where you, among other things, can have your curiosity fullfilled regarding how a tank and other armoured vehicles look...


Unique collections

Journey back in time and learn about the Cold War, the birth of Denmark and Valdemar the Victorious and his achievements. 

Cold War Museum Stevnsfort
Photo: Mads Tolstrup

Cold War Museum Stevnsfort

Stevnsfort Cold War Museum

During The Cold War, Stevnsfort was a secret part of the defence of Denmark and NATO. The peninsula of Stevns would have been on the absolute frontline if war had broken ou...

The Danish Castle Centre
Photo: Museum Sydøstdanmark

The Danish Castle Centre

In the heart of Vordingnorg lies the Danish Castle Centre – a modern museum and experience centre. Here you can encounter the powerful kings and queens of the Middle Ages. Visit the historic Goose Tow...

GeoCenter Møns Klint
Photo: GeoCenter Møns Klint

GeoCenter Møns Klint

Welcome to GeoCenter Møns Klint – a modern science center located in some of Denmark’s most wild and beautiful nature.

The exhibition is designed as an exciting journey 70 million years back in time....


Fun business tours

Several companies in South Zealand & Møn offer cosy tours, tastings and much more.

Møn Is - Pollerup Hovgård
Photo: Møn Biosfære

Møn Is - Pollerup Hovgård

Møn Is - local producer with an eye for ecology

At the farm Pollerup Hovgård, also known as “Møn Is”, Gitte and Benjamin live.

The farm, which consists of 420 hectares of land and around 160 organic...


Have even more experiences!

Kunst i Næstved
Næstved Ungdomsskole

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