Hotel Frederiksminde
Hotel Frederiksminde has been carefully and stylishly restored and today appears in the original romantic style of the late 1800s, when the hotel was built. The kitchen has been awarded a Michelin star, and the view from the restaurant is sublime!
Hotel Frederiksminde lies almost on Præstø Fjord – surrounded by its own forest. As soon as you enter the reception, you realise that this is a place of cosiness and that something exceptional is waiting for you, and that peace and wellbeing is in focus. The hotel’s architectural style is romantic, harking back to the Denmark of the 1800s.

Photo:Kim Matthai Leland
Inspired by nature
At Hotel Frederiksminde, the kitchen is not the only place where nature is allowed to come into its own, the experiences on offer are also very much inspired by the surrounding nature. Winter swimming and saunas on the beach, team building with outdoor sports and historical walks help create the setting for an extraordinary experience by Præstø Fjord.
Michelin-starred chef and local produce
The food at Hotel Frederiksminde is prepared based on the hotel’s own garden and local suppliers. In just a few years, chef Jonas Mikkelsen has created quite a portfolio within the art of cooking. In 2012, he secured first place in the Nordic Challenge as Scandinavia’s most promising cook, and he also won a “Gericke” for the best dessert of the year. But the biggest achievement is still when his kitchen at Hotel Frederiksminde received one of the highly coveted Michelin stars back in 2016 – a star he has managed to keep right up to this day. The food is an experience in itself, focusing on locally produced ingredients, genuine gourmet and innovation.

Photo:Anders Husa
Photo:Anders Husa
Throughout the year, many exciting events take place at Hotel Frederiksminde. If you're in need of a night out, you can purchase a ticket for, for example, a concert with dinner, enjoy a delicious Midsummer menu before the bonfire is lit at Præstø Harbor, or let the kids have a great experience during "Smagens Time" (The Hour of Taste)

Photo:Mads Tolstrup
Three interesting facts about Hotel Frederiksminde
1. Hotel Frederiksminde is part of the “Mindeværdig” (“Memorable”) scheme, which highlights historic hotels, inns and products that celebrate the Nordic character and memorable experiences
2. Hotel Frederiksminde has not always been a hotel. Until 1563, it was home to the only Antonite monastery in Denmark. In 2003, Hotel Frederiksminde was acquired by shipping magnate Hans Michael Jebsen
3. Præstø was once a favourite holiday spot of kings, and King Frederik VII was among those who often went swan hunting on the fjord outside the hotel
Longitude: 12.048892
Latitude: 55.124225
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